The Professor dispenses the wisdom of the ages and does not make a living wage. The sons of the rich and powerful are students lacking any motivation. The next door neighbor of the Professor, businessman Olsen, has money and lots of food, while the Griggs have hardly any. Both Peter Olsen and Reverend Gates are taken by the beauty of young Amelia Griggs. When rich son Phil West falls for Amelia Griggs and befriends the poor Reverend Gates, he finally sees the difference in his life and theirs and tries to do something to change that.
主演:彼得·德索萨 Peter DeSouza-Feighoney,马丁·波特洛克,Megan Placito,尼古拉斯·伍德,凯利斯顿·韦勒英,Chrissie Wunna,珍妮·米勒,凯莉·里安·桑松,Amanda Jane Cooper,亚当·斯皮尔斯,Charlotte Jackson,Kat Green
主演:彼得·德索萨 Peter DeSouza-Feighoney,马丁·波特洛克,Megan Placito,尼古拉斯·伍德,凯利斯顿·韦勒英,Chrissie Wunna,珍妮·米勒,凯莉·里安·桑松,Amanda Jane Cooper,亚当·斯皮尔斯,Charlotte Jackson,Kat Green